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The Great Journey 
About Me

ABOUT Tiffany Herrera

Tiffany Herrera was born February 29, 2004 a leaper day.Tiffany had studied a common school in Red Bank primary school as a child, then to middle school after all that Red Bank Regional.Some of the good moments were when she was a small kid many different things she could do without worrying about different situations and focusing on art. 

Tiffany has come to many different obstacle since she was little as one of the second child of five child one of the struggles that an immigrate family have to face on in USA, as she start growing up she always wanted to become an artist but many always told her "You can make it if you truly want to make it".As for now she would be working and improving to many challenges to success or fail.

Book a Walk

Virtual Locker

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This is a Virtual Locker where it have many items and important traits where you can see the likes of reading or drawing such as also drinking coffee while wearing headphones and watching some anime.

Snow day picture


This is a snow picture with my mother and theirs also a small snow man with cereal eyes and also couldn't find some sticks for the arms because the snow was way to big to even go out and it was also very cold.

Wish you were here

final wish you were here.jpg

A snow man enjoying the time in the beach with the umbrella while looking at the view of the shore and enjoying the fresh air while the sun is all over the sea.

Young and old solo 

Tiffany Herrera - Old Solo1 (1) (1).jpg

This young and old solo is himself meeting the young one again when he was more younger but now this time he can see how he looked like when he meets the older one too.In this project I was starting to cut and replace the other half of solo so it could look like there was two of them or that they meet each other in a different timeline.What I also didn't do well was cropping out the white so it wouldn't looked fake but it came out well.

Movie Still Being used 

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Me and My sister

In this project I took a movie scene from Parasite which is a horror movie, and then took one of the photos my sister took back then, what I did was copy and clone the image and cut out the white layer from the photo.So it would blend with the movie scene.Which it would look like we were in that movie scene while the man was getting mad at us.It also made sense if I added other person to the picture to give more detail to it.

Cartoon in real life

Cartoon in real Life.jpg
Saiki K and Hanna Hashimoto

In this image I took out the movie of Saiki K and also added him as a anime character which it fit well because both were the same character and same school with uniforms.I just thought if I have one character that could be the same it would make sense to put him as a cartoon in a real life event.

In Cartoon in Real Life was about getting a cartoon or any character from a movie an animated character.Which I choose anime character that would fit in with real life event show, movie that would blend it with the characters.As for here I picked Saiki and Hifumi for both of the project that would go with it.I actually liked this project because it was pretty easy and fast to do it because I already had in mind who I would crop in.From all the project we did this one was one of my favorite project to do.

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Chou Tzuyu and Hifumi Takimoto  

As for this one I took out Hifumi out of her office where she works most of the time, and blend it in with the other character right now where they are in a office.Where it would make it seems like Hifumi is in the office working or listening but it went well with the real life.

Face Clone

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This project was based on finding four people in a picture and replacing it with our face.Since I thought it would look well with only three different of my head and not replacing the two person from in front it since my face wont fit on both of them and even if I shrink ed it it would look massive on their heads.It was one of the project where we needed four of our faces in four of the people who are in the picture. 


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The letter of title, what we needed to do is to change the tittle of the cover movie and change the character or cover so it could go along with the tittle and the character.What I did with mine was to get one of the movie I watched when I was little and it was a horror movie and change the style of the character.The reason why I picked this front cover of this movie cause it went well with the idea I had with the glitched idea of the movie and the whole concept of it would be cursed while trying to survive.

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